Disney Parks have a marvelously magical way of bringing our favorite animated films and adventures to life. You can sail with Captain Jack on Pirates of the Caribbean, soar over London with Peter Pan, or visit a house full of 999 Happy Haunts. But one of the most recent additions takes guests to a galaxy far, far, away.

If you’ve not had the opportunity, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is Disney’s new park area dedicated to the famous space opera. Believe us when we tell you, it’s a whole new world of magic to us die-hard fans. If you plan on stepping onto Batuu, have a look at these things you didn’t know you could do.

Fly the Millennium Falcon

Can’t have a theme park without rides, can you? At Galaxy’s Edge, guests get a chance at flying one of the fastest ships in the entire universe, but we won’t ask you to even attempt a twelve-parsec Kessel Run. Instead, we’ll ask you to outrun First Order TIE-Fighters and make off with a cache of cargo.

Though it might look like a standard flight-simulator at first, it’s a bit more immersive than that. Guests take up the roles of pilots, gunners, and engineers as they go on a mission from Hondo Ohnaka. If you want to attempt this high-flying adventure, be sure your trigger finger is ready.

Escape a First Order Cruiser

In Walt Disney World’s newest Star Wars ride, guests won’t be sheltered from the action in a Star Tours cruiser or fastened into their seats aboard the Millennium Falcon. In Rise of The Resistance, Disney Imagineering goes all the way with creating this world and throws guests right into the action.

Rise of the Resistance has guests join Poe Dameron and Finn on a mission as they infiltrate a First Order transport. Using their wits and a droid-powered vehicle, to escape the clutches of Kylo Ren and his army of Troopers. Thanks to immersive audio-animatronics, it’s one of the most incredible dark rides in the park.

Encounter First Order Storm Troopers

Just because you escaped them in Rise of the Resistance doesn’t mean the First Order will let you get away that easily. In fact, troops have been sent to Batuu to snuff out any signs of rebellion they find. So you might want to keep those rebel Mickey Mouse ears in check if you enter their territory.

As part of the park’s atmosphere, guests can have encounters with the Storm Troopers as they explore the planet. They might pose for a photo op or two, but they also might demand your allegiance to the dark side. Tread carefully, travelers.

Choose Light Side or Dark Side

Speaking of the dark side, this one is mainly a design implementation, but one we can’t ignore. In Galaxy’s Edge, you can show your support for the Rebels/Resistance or the Empire/First Order through their designated shops. You might be thinking, how is this different from the other souvenir places. Simple, they cater to one side each.

At the Resistance Outpost, guests can don the colors of rebellion and take a stand against the tyranny of the First Order. Likewise, they can also shop at First Order Cargo to show their support for the fight against the futile attempts of the Resistance. Light side or dark side, you make the call.

Drink Bantha Milk

Okay, so it’s not exactly 100% Bantha milk, but it’s a curious concoction that’s currently available for you to try at Galaxy’s Edge. Just as Luke Skywalker embarked on his famous adventures after imbibing this refreshing blue drink, so can you when you decide to explore Batuu.

Though it might be an acquired taste for some, the plant-based blends are definitely something we might expect from another planet. For truly dedicated fans who want to try these strange sippable creations, they can be found in their own stands towards the marketplace.

Adopt a Space Creature from the Bazaar

One of our favorite shops to browse in the Black Spire Market has to be Creature Comforts. In this eclectic little shop, you can find your own critter from another planet to take home before you return to your galaxy of origin. You’ll find everything from Porgs to Rathtars in this impressive menagerie.

We know they’re all toys and trinkets, but we’re genuinely impressed by the amount of detail and different creatures there are on display in this store. If you’re looking for a unique souvenir or your kid is bored with the standard plush friends, have a look at Creature Comforts.

Enjoy a Meal in a Cantina Hosted by RX24

What trip through the Star Wars galaxy would be complete without a brief trip to the local cantina for some lunch and libations, and maybe you’ll stay around to hear the band too? Unlike the famous Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine, this one features a familiar face providing the tunes.

Some might know him as RX-24, but we’ll always know him as Captain Rex from the original Star Tours attraction. He might have gotten a new position and one or two little upgrades, but he’ll always be our favorite pilot droid. He might have left the cockpit, but we love him just as much in the DJ booth.

Build a Droid in the Depot

On the subject of droids, guests also have the opportunity to build, detail, and bring to life their own robotic friend in this incredible experience. This isn’t like Build-a-Bear, travelers, but a visually impressive way to create a unique and fun souvenir for both kids and adult collectors.

It might be worth a few extra credits, but seeing these little guys whirl, chirp, and come alive definitely brings out our inner sci-fi geek. Need a little Astromech in your life? Pick one up and customize it here at the depot.

Assemble Your Own Lightsaber

Of course, no Star-Wars fan’s collection is complete without a lightsaber. Though you won’t experience the joys and trials of Jedi training, you can certainly build your own custom weapon of the Jedi in Savi’s Workshop. Similar to how Ezra fashioned his blade from spare parts, so can you in this shop.

Though some lightsabers can get a little pricey, there’s just something extra special about having your own custom weapon in your collection. Do we even need to mention the impressive variety of makes and models guests can choose from? It’s definitely a Jedi’s happy place.

Meet Rey and Chewie

When you go to a Disney Park, you absolutely have to make time to visit with your favorite characters from your favorite movies. It’s slightly sacrilegious not to. You can meet several faces of the Force in the Star Wars Launch Bay, but only in Galaxy’s edge can you meet one of the newest editions to the franchise, Rey.

Rey can be found wandering about the Millenium Falcon with her buddy, Chewbacca. Though she’s not found in a traditional Meet and Greet queue, she’s a delight for Star Wars fans new and old alike. Be sure to scout her out if you venture into Resistance territory.