When it comes to costuming, few series have had as wide an array of options as Doctor Who. From alien worlds to Victorian London, the amount of different types of costuming is too many even to comprehend.

When most fans have to think of the best outfits, they usually think of the titular Doctor, rocking flowing coats, bowties, and the occasional monocle. But, apart from the Timelord, their companions have also had some great fashion sense. Here are the best throughout the long-running series.

Jamie - Season 4 - Season 6

Listen, perhaps kilts aren’t everyone’s idea of high fashion. But its a point of pride for Scots that should be respected, especially if they come from the Jacobite days. Second Doctor companion Jamie could be seen rocking his traditional highland wear throughout his entire run on the series.

You have to respect a guy who carries on his longstanding cultural traditions, even while traveling through all of space and time. Also, perhaps we should rethink the practicality of wearing kilts. They seem pretty darn comfortable.

Sarah Jane Smith - The Hand of Fear

Sarah Jane Smith was one of the longest-running companions during the classic series, accompanying both the Third and Fourth Doctors through their many adventures. During her time, her style wasn’t dull, but it was fairly standard for the most part.

But during the Third Doctor story The Hand of Fear, Sarah Jane threw out her traditional jumper for an overall coordinated look that few could pull off. The red and white outfit rocked a trio of stars on the front with a cute bandana to pull it all together.

Rose - The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

To say that the fashion since 2005 has changed would be an understatement. When rewatching the series, it’s hard to look past some of the bootcut jeans and baggy sweatshirts worn by a lot of the characters. But this outfit from Rose in The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances was an instant iconic look.

Rose chose a Captain Jack approved Union Jack T-Shit, supported by a pair of jeans, a leather jacket, and blue jeans. It’s a bit of a mix of modern aesthetics with a throwback look that certainly stood in sharp, but complementing, contrast to their London Blitz environment.

Romana II - The City of Death

Romana is one of the few companions of The Doctor’s to be a fellow Timelord/lady. In her second regeneration, her once icy exterior melted away, and she became far warmer and wittier. Her newfound personality also matched the Fourth Doctor’s Bohemian attitude, not to mention her style.

The best example of this would be her outfit from the Classic Era story The City of Death. Embracing a sort of riff off of an academic uniform, this outfit contained some wonderful embroidered floral patterns along with the undershirt and an accented woven hat. It’s a far cry from the stuffier gowns of Romana I.

River Song - The Time of the Angels/Flesh and Stone

River Song was, for a long time, the ultimate woman of mystery in the series. Her identity was a constant plot device used to intrigue the audience and the Doctor, and her morally gray attitude harkened back to the femme fatales of old.

This idea of River as a sort of ambiguous femme fatale was never better represented than in her outfit from the beginning of The Time of Angels. Its a bit of a throwback to Noir films, with the dark colors and flowy sleeves, and fits River’s personality (at this point) perfectly.

Bill Potts - The Pilot

Bill Potts was one of the more underrated companions of the series, only lasting a short, one series, tenure. But, she brought much-needed confidence, fun, and empathy to the TARDIS team. Her outfits mirrored that perfectly, always choosing something that expressed her own unique self.

By far, the best outfit, though, was one she wore during her first outing in The Pilot. The denim jacket well supports the statement tee. The patches included on the coat also harken back to classic Doctor Who companion Ace, giving an updated version of an iconic look.

Oswin - Asylum of the Daleks

The appearance of Jenna Coleman as Oswin Oswald in the Series Seven opener Asylum of the Daleks was a surprise to just about everyone, as the actress was not to appear until after the departure of then-current companions Amy and Rory. But, her first appearance was welcome, and it offered one of the cutest and most fun outfits seen on the show.

This one of many versions of the character of Clara wore a bright red dress and a fun space utility belt. It was a vibrant look that spoke to the sassy and flirty version of the character. It also fits the humanistic side of Oswin as well, as it was revealed she was a Dalek all along.

Clara - Time Heist

Clara honestly had some of the best style of the revival, if not even the whole series. Many of her looks could have made it onto this list, but to keep it fair, we’ll only include this last one. In the series eight episode ‘Time Heist’, Clara’s outfit was unlike anything other companions had worn before.

It might be one of the first instances a female companion gets to wear a suit and tie. Somehow in her rush, Clara threw together this number, with a maroon suit, white undershirt, and a loose, thin black tie. In a rare move, the companion’s outfit was more of an intimidating presence than The Doctor’s (in a good way!).

Ace - Season 24 - 26

Ace had been mentioned before, being an obvious design inspiration for some of Bill Pott’s outfits. But you have to respect the original. Ace’s style stayed pretty much the same for most of her run, but it was unlike anything on the show before.

Ace worse a bit of a rebellious look, with a bomber jacket covered in patches, a black skirt or jeans, and either leather boots or flats. It’s a look that finally allowed the Companions to be themselves and influenced just about everything going forward. This Seventh Doctor Companion made this list possible.

Captain Jack Harkness - Torchwood & Series 1 - 4

Without a doubt, more so than any other companion, Captain Jack had the best outfit of the entire show. It was almost always the same: slacks, a button-up shirt, suspenders, and an imposing military coat.

It is a look that is as iconic, if not more so than some of The Doctor’s looks. It is a perfect silhouette for the character, giving him a presence and attitude all his own. While some might say it all the coat, the minute he takes it off and rolls up those sleeves, he looks just as archetypal.