A quasi-reboot of the Terminator franchise, Terminator: Dark Fate is a direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgement Day - but does it have an after-credits scene setting up future movies? James Cameron launched the long-running sci-fi franchise in 1984 with the original Terminator, about a robot from the future sent back in time to kill the mother of the man who would one day lead the human resistance. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton in their now-iconic roles as the Terminator and Sarah Connor, Cameron’s movie has since become a classic. It also inspired not only a sequel, 1991’s Judgement Day, but further installments, though neither Cameron nor Hamilton was involved in any others - until now.

Terminator: Dark Fate sees Cameron return to the franchise he created, albeit in a producer role this time, with Tim Miller (Deadpool) directing. Additionally, Hamilton returns as Sarah Connor, while Schwarzenegger also reprises his role as the T-800 Terminator. Dark Fate also introduces new characters, including Gabriel Luna as the Rev-9 Terminator, Mackenzie Davis as an augmented human named Grace and Natalia Reyes as Dani Ramos. As seen in the Terminator: Dark Fate trailers, and evidenced by the early reactions, this latest Terminator film puts a new spin on the franchise, but does it join the trend of including post-credits scenes?

Those checking out Terminator: Dark Fate in theaters may be wondering whether the film has anything to wait around to watch after the credits. However, Terminator: Dark Fate does NOT have an after-credits scene; the movie wraps up entirely before the credits roll. While the credits are always worth watching to get an idea of who’s involved in making a film, Terminator: Dark Fate viewers shouldn’t expect any extra scenes or teases.

It would’ve made sense for Dark Fate to include a post-credits scene since the movie clearly paves the way for sequels. Without spoiling the Terminator: Dark Fate ending for those who haven’t seen it yet, there’s definitely room to continue the story of this world. So an after-credits scene could have pointed fans in the direction the filmmakers want to go with future movies. Cameron recently revealed that Terminator: Dark Fate sequels would explore artificial intelligence, teasing a whole new trilogy launched by this latest movie.

However, future Terminator movies will depend on the success of Dark Fate, and how well it performs at the box office. The Terminator franchise saw diminishing returns with many of its sequels after Judgement Day, and it remains to be seen if audiences are interested in another movie set within this world. That said, Terminator: Dark Fate movie reviews have been largely positive, indicating Cameron’s return to the franchise could be exactly what it needs to be successful.

Whether Dark Fate does become a box office success remains to be seen, but it’s no doubt a safe bet on Miller’s part to not include a post-credits scene. After all, Terminator Genisys included a mid-credits scene that went nowhere due to Dark Fate retconning the franchise. Hopefully, the R-rated Terminator: Dark Fate will be more successful than previous sequels. But for now, all fans need to know is that Terminator: Dark Fate doesn’t have an after-credits scene.

Next: Terminator Movie Rights Explained (& What Could Happen After Dark Fate)

  • Terminator: Dark Fate Release Date: 2019-11-01