Robert Downey Jr. is a beloved actor, especially in this generation for his portrayal of Iron Man, aka Tony Stark. Though his character is no longer in the MCU (for now), it hasn’t stopped Downey Jr. from moving on to other projects in the meantime. While we certainly miss Tony Stark, we look forward to seeing what Downey Jr. will be up to in the future, and he’s already starting off 2020 with his first post-MCU role. Some are hesitant at the prospect of this new film, and some look forward to it. That said, here are 5 reasons why it’s Downey’s perfect post-MCU film role, and 5 reasons it’s not.

Not Perfect: The Unexpected

It’s fair to say that audiences may find it odd that Downey Jr. chose such a role after being primarily known as Tony Stark for the last twelve years. While the unexpected can be a good thing, it may not be in this case. Too many fans love Downey Jr. as Stark and seeing him in another role, especially one that’s the exact opposite might be a little shocking and subsequently detrimental to the film and Downey Jr.

Perfect: Starting The New Year With A Bang

Instead of taking some time off or anything of the like, Downey Jr.’s back at work with Dolittle. It shows us that he’s ready to tackle the next big thing and continue his stride as a successful actor. It’s admirable and inspirational the way he jumps back in, embracing an entirely new character after playing Tony Stark in so many films over the years. It’s not easy for an actor to switch gears in such a manner, but Downey Jr. has made it clear that it’s just another day at the office for him.

Not Perfect: Doesn’t Suit Downey Jr.

Downey Jr. has been typecast in recent years. He’s been categorized into the role of cocky superhero. Taking on a role that is nothing of the sort could be damaging. Downey Jr. may have been able to take on such a role before being cast as Tony Stark, but now taking on roles that don’t at least share some spark of similarity to Stark may mean a loss of interest from the audience.

Perfect: Start Of A New Era

As Dolittle is his first role since the MCU, this could be an indication of things to come. Downey Jr. could be cast in more children’s movies and by extension begin a new era. It would introduce him to younger audiences, especially those that were too young to see the MCU films when they came out, and it could potentially allow us to see a more childlike and silly side (more so than we saw in Tony Stark) in Downey Jr., allowing for fun movie memories and quotable dialogue.

Not Perfect: Hard-To-Grasp Plot

The plot is a mixture of fantasy and adventure, but it may be too out there for some fans. Dolittle isn’t supposed to be realistic, but sometimes things can go too far and audiences are left scoffing rather than having a good time. Depending on the direction the plot takes, it could either have the perfect blend of comedy, action, fantasy and adventure, or it could overdo one or more of the elements, changing the outcome of perspectives from the audience and determining how well it will do in theaters.

Perfect: Character Eccentricities

While by no means Tony Stark, Downey Jr.’s new character, John Doolittle, is eccentric in his own way. Having the ability to talk to animals, and spending much of his time with them, certainly makes for interesting personality traits. The way that Downey Jr. plays his characters, he usually adds an extra something to give them the spark of life that we love in his portrayals. The potential is limitless, allowing for heartfelt and comedic moments alike. Downey Jr. will undoubtedly add something to the character that we haven’t seen before, and we look forward to seeing what that is.

Not Perfect: Animals Vs. People

Interacting with animals is a challenge for many actors. They obviously don’t respond in the same way as people. Not only that, but some of the acting has to be done without animals, as special effects and the like have been added. It could make for some awkward moments and obvious changes in Downey Jr.’s portrayal of his character, which could throw audiences off as it would break their concentration. If something seems out of tune with the interaction between people and animals, most audiences will automatically notice, and it could negatively impact the film.

Perfect: Separating From The MCU

With his character sadly out of the picture in the MCU (for now), Downey Jr. has the freedom to explore other projects. It does get old playing the same character year after year, so it’s exciting when a new opportunity to showcase talent and creativity drops on your doorstep. Downey Jr. is establishing himself outside of the MCU, which isn’t an easy feat considering his close association. It will never completely be shed from his portfolio (no one wants that), but as time goes on and he takes on more roles, Downey Jr. will establish himself in a new way that will allow for diversity in future roles.

Not Perfect: The Remake Angle

The thing about remakes is that people are highly critical of them. They have versions of the movie, whether it be the original or previous remakes, that they like and dislike. Given a classic like Dolittle, which has been remade several times (notably with Eddie Murphy) and which had an original that came out in 1967, it’s already a risky project. Add in Downey Jr., who’s just coming out of the MCU, and it could be a bad combination. Remakes have to be appreciated in their own way without overshadowing the original or its predecessors of remakes. Unfortunately, Downey Jr. may be judged harshly for taking on a remake as his first role since leaving the MCU, so we hope for the best.

Perfect: Broader Range As An Actor

Downey Jr. taking on the classic role of Dr. Dolittle allows us to see another aspect of his capabilities as an actor. He’s played other roles from Charlie Chaplin to Sherlock Holmes, but it tends to be buried under his prominent role of Tony Stark. We have to appreciate an actor that stretches beyond their limits to play characters from all walks of life in all kinds of time periods and situations. It’s fun to see your favorite stars play characters that you love, hate or feel a mix of love and hate for. Hopefully, audiences will love Downey Jr. as Dr. Dolittle.