Dollface  is Hulu’s latest female empowerment series starring Kat Dennings as Jules, Shay Mitchell as Stella, Brenda Song as Madison, and Esther Provitsky as the weird but lovable Izzy. The series centers around these four women as they try to navigate life and love together as strong women.

Jules learns after being broken up with by her boyfriend of five years just how important the women in her life are and she sets out on a journey to rekindle her old friendships along with making some new ones. This series gives feminism a modern twist that every woman can appreciate. Needless to say it’s the show we’ve been waiting our whole lives for. In celebration of this series, here are the 10 best feminist quotes on Dollface:

“Just remember you have options. It’s 2019 you have a choice.” - Madison

That’s right ladies, it’s 2020 and we have choices just like Madison said last year. In episode 8 “Mama Bear” Madison catches Jules with a pregnancy test. Jules is afraid to tell Madison the real reason why she’s acting strange so she lies to Madison telling her she is in fact pregnant.

Madison being the boss female friend she is, comforts her friend by reminding her she has options in this day and age. This series has a strong focus on reminding everyone that women have a right to their own bodies and a right to make decisions about their bodies.

 “It is so important to have women in your life that you can rely on.” - Celeste

Celeste, played by Malin Akerman, is the health and beauty fanatic CEO of Woom, the company where Jules works. Celeste definitely has her quirks, she lets lizards crawl on her face, but every now and then she does have a beautiful token of wisdom to offer.

In episode 8 “Mama Bear” Celeste hosts a retreat for the women at Woom. It’s supposed to be a time to connect with one’s inner goddess and with the other ladies at the office. While Jules was at the retreat, Celeste reminded Jules just how important it is to have girlfriends in your life that you can count on.

“Take a bomb to your comfort zone and blow that s**t up.” - Stella

Stella is undoubtedly the bold one of the group as she fearlessly parades into every adventure. During the series, Stella helps Jules get out of her comfort zone, like the time they almost went to Alaska on a fishing boat.

Jules has been stuck in a rut for years and when she finally tries to reconnect with her old best friend, Stella is there to offer some advice. Stella lets Jules in on her secret that the only way for change to happen is to invite chaos. Sometimes women are so focused on their day to day tasks, they never step outside of their comfort zone and discover what they’re capable of. Thank goodness for friends like Stella who are there to remind us that it’s okay to shake things up.

“Being a feminist means I’m supposed to be supportive of all women.” -Jules

Jules is having to relearn what it means to be a feminist in her post boyfriend world and she is taking it seriously. But when rough waters begin to rock the boat of the women in Jules’s life, she has trouble knowing what to do. Caught between her boss and her best friend, Jules wants to make sure she is being supportive of both women.

Jules realizes that in order to not only be a good feminist but also a good friend, you have to not blame anyone or take sides. The collective job for women is to simply show up and offer support to the ladies in their lives.

“Looking good doesn’t mean I’m any less of a feminist than you are.” - Sylvia Goldwyn

There are all different types of women and feminists and no woman should be forced to fit a label. You can be a feminist if you never shave or wear a bra and you can be a feminist in your stiletto heels with a full face of makeup on. There is no right or wrong way because being a feminist is not about how you look, it’s about what you believe in and how you act.

Izzy, Stella, Madison, and Jules needed to be reminded of this in episode 9 “Feminist” and luckily Sylvia Goldwyn was there to give them this golden nugget of wisdom.

“We are who we are so f**k it, we may as well make the most of it.” - Stella

Over the years women have felt pressured to be something they are not and change themselves in order to fit other people’s standards. When Jules tries to prove she is something she is not which is a carefree party girl, Stella reminds her that it’s okay that she isn’t wild like Stella.

Women need to know it’s okay to appreciate, love, and make the most out of their amazing qualities and personalities. They don’t have to prove anything to anyone even if other people give them a hard time for not being a certain way.

“Surrounding yourself with women is important.” - Madison

Jules has never been the best at having female friends as she gets intimated by other women and thinks she doesn’t act properly in large groups of girls, even though all she has to do is be herself. Madison is not allowing for Jules to make excuse any longer about why she doesn’t hang out with other women.

When the two women pass a group of female friends, Madison points them to Jules and tells her how important it is to be surrounded by other women. If one has a solid group of girlfriends, there is nothing she can’t accomplish.

“It’s not hers either.” - Madison

During episode 9 “Feminist” Jules tries to figure out what to do about her stuck-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place situation. Her boss, Celeste, and her best friend, Madison, are both involved with the same man.

At first both of the women are accusing the other one of lying and are demanding for Jules to tell the truth about the situation and pick a side. But thankfully by the end of the episode both of the women realize it’s not the other one’s fault. When Jules tells Madison it isn’t her fault that her boyfriend has been lying to her about his marriage, Madison reminds Jules, it’s Celeste’s fault either. Women are on the same side, they should not be pitted against each other.

“You are focusing your issues with a guy on another girl.” - Madison

There are so many times in life where women have taken their anger about a man out on another women. Everyone does it at some point, even Jules. When Jeremy begins to date after their break up, Jules instantly zeroes in on his new girlfriend.

But now that Jules has female friends she can’t get away with this behavior anymore. In episode 7 when Jules admits to her friends that she Instagram-stalked Jeremy’s new girlfriend, Madison reminds her that it’s not right to place her issues with a guy on another woman. It’s not the new girlfriend’s fault they broke up.

“Relationships with other women are sacred and necessary.” - Cat Lady

Jules has been out of the sisterhood game for five years as she made her world become about her boyfriend. But when she gets dumped by him, the cat lady is there to pick her up and take her where she needs to go. While on the road back to her female friendships, the cat lady reminds Jules just how important sisterhood is.

Women are stronger together and it’s okay that women need other women in their lives. Jules had forgotten how important it is to be surrounded by strong women who can lift you up in times of trouble and cheer for you when you are succeeding.