The muggles are arguably one of the most overlooked elements from the world of Harry Potter. And to be fair, there are plenty of other distracting bits and pieces to be found. It’s a world full of magic, after all.

So the number of muggles hidden within the series might surprise you. There are the obvious characters, of course. But there are plenty of others worth discussing. And now we’re going to rank them – from nicest to meanest – for your reading pleasure.

Before we dive in, we’re going to clarify what muggles are making it into this list. We’re not including Squibs, nor are we including any muggles introduced during the Fantastic Beasts timeline. We’re sticking purely to characters introduced during the original Harry Potter series. Enjoy!

Mr. & Mrs. Granger

Yes, we know that we’re starting our list off with two characters, but it just seems right to include Mr. and Mrs. Granger together here, especially given how few opportunities we had to see them.

Admittedly Mr. and Mrs. Granger don’t get a whole lot of screen/page time, and thus we don’t know much about them. But we do know that we would have heard something if they were horrible people – that’s not something Hermione would have kept quiet about.

We do know that these two were very supportive of their witch daughter, who quite literally came out of the blue. They were also fine with her spending vacations and summers with her friends and their families, despite how little time they got with her. And while they were clearly overwhelmed with the magical world, they never let their fear rule them.

The Muggle Prime Minister

Speaking of people overwhelmed by the world of magic, let’s talk about the Muggle Prime Minister. Or should we simply call him the Prime Minister? Either way, he’s next on our list. This poor guy got so much information dumped on him, from the first revelation of magic to all of the drama following Voldemort’s rise in power.

But despite everything he saw, he kept the secret of magic to himself. Yes, there’s a good chance that nobody would have believed him should he have tried to tell anybody. But there were plenty of things he could have done, should he have felt the need. Instead, he was content to trust in those that knew more about matters than he did – the wizards dealing with the situation. Though he was understandably very upset when muggles began dying on his watch.

Mr. & Mrs. Mason

Mr. and Mrs. Mason are yet another set of muggles we didn’t see much of. They were the couple invited over the Dursleys that one time. You know the time – during Chamber of Secrets, where Dobby used magic to get Harry in trouble.

They didn’t seem like bad people, technically speaking. But they also weren’t overly concerned with the idea of a child being treated or hidden away such as Harry. Remember that the cover story was that Harry was ‘disturbed’ and didn’t like guests.

Frank Bryce

Frank Bryce was not a man we got to see much of, in the Harry Potter series. And that’s all thanks to Voldemort. He was killed within a few pages of his introduction, but he didn’t seem all that bad, when you think about it.

Frank Bryce was the caretaker for the Riddle estate. The entire town believed that he was the one who killed the Riddles, which seems pretty unfair. But then again, we know the truth, don’t we? Despite this general opinion, Bryce stayed on as caretaker

The reason we’re including him so high up on the list? When Voldemort’s wand was forced to spit out the last spells it did, Bryce’s ghost/after-image appeared alongside Harry’s parents and Cedric. He then helped Harry escape – even though he knew nothing about this boy. And he probably had even less understanding about what was happening.

Dudley Dursley

Dudley Dursley is proof that a character can change, and overcome the habits picked up from one’s parents. As a small boy, Dudley was a complete menace and bully towards Harry. He loved nothing more than picking on the small boy – a habit that his parents seem to encourage.

Later, when Dudley grew up (and after his life was saved by Harry), he got over that a little bit. He made small attempts to reach out to Harry, such as leaving tea out for him. He also told Harry that he wasn’t a waste of space, and seemed concerned for Harry’s safety. But that’s about where it ended, at least not until both boys were grown.

Mrs. Cole

Mrs. Cole had a small role to play in the Harry Potter series. But we have little doubt that she must have had some impact. She was the one who ran the orphanage in which Tom Riddle ended up in. She’s the one who followed Merope’s wishes to name the boy Tom Marvolo Riddle.

We also know that she was overwhelmed with caring for a boy like Riddle, thanks to his strange behavior. That and the fact that she was almost certainly an alcoholic. There’s no evidence that she ever mistreated Riddle, though she was certainly happy to see him off every school year.

Petunia Dursley

Petunia Dursley is a woman who was never able to get over the jealousy she felt towards her sister and her sister’s magic. She let that jealousy turn to hate. And then she turned that hate on Harry – an innocent boy who did nothing to earn the negative way in which she treated him. She also completely spoiled Dudley, a fact that very nearly completely ruined him as a person.

Her biggest redeeming feature is the fact that she did take Harry in – despite the fact that she clearly didn’t want to. She even kept him after Vernon wanted to cast Harry out. And that’s a fact that shocked even Harry.

Vernon Dursley

Vernon Dursley is another character who loved to hate Harry, and he went out of his way to make the boy’s life miserable. And he didn’t have the excuse of jealousy for the way he felt. No, Harry was simply ‘other’ and that was a good enough reason for him.

Recall that Vernon frequently gave Harry the crummy chores in life, allowed Dudley to beat up Harry, and frequently forced Harry to skip meals as punishment. He hated Harry, simply put. And he spoiled Dudley beyond any healthy reason.

Aunt Marge

Aunt Marge is one of the most horrible people in the series. The only reason she didn’t end up being a worse person is because she was never given any modicum of power. If not for the fact that she’s a muggle, we’re sure that she and Umbridge would have gotten along wonderfully.

Aunt Marge took delight in torturing Harry, and she didn’t have the same justifications as the Dursleys (since she didn’t know about Harry’s magical family secret). Nope, she hated him simply for being there. And it’s clear that she would not have taken in the orphan boy, had the decision been up to her.

Tom Riddle Senior

And number one on our list is the one and only: Tom Riddle Senior. His case is slightly conflicted, but we believe he still has earned this dubious honor. Mr. Riddle grew up as part of a wealthy family. He never wanted for anything, and he was more than a little bit spoiled.

Yes, he was a victim, thanks to the way that Merope took away his choice in being with her or having a child by her. But he was also a class A jerk. He was a jerk before he became a victim. And he stayed a jerk once free of her magic.