DoubleTwist 2.4 for Windows is available now and introduced numerous new features, including playlist creation and sync, library search, and a persistent DoubleTwist library. “While we’ll still access your iTunes and/or Windows Media Player [collections] you can now add folders/directories from anywhere on your system to use as your DoubleTwist library for syncing and transferring to your device(s),” the company said. Music and Video sync is also now available for the latest iPods abnd iPhones in the Windows version of DoubleTwist, the company said.

Apple gets Twitter (a little) Twitter is big, really big, and while those short info-nuggets lack substance as a reflection of the subconscious murmurings (and marketing messages) of the internet population, it’s hard to beat. Apple’s iTunes team has been on Twitter since March, when the company introduced iTunesTrailers, an account which now has over a million followers. That million mark likely generates some traffic, which is why Apple has now introduced several more feeds, as follows: iTunesMusic iTunesMovies iTunesTV iTunesPodcasts Some of these accounts have only a few followers, though Apple has created a custom background for each available feed, TechCrunch informs. Apple’s recent iTunes Live festival in London also saw the company introduce an iTunes UK Facebook page, which now boasts 286,291 fans. Despite this, Apple’s adventures in social media remain shy, with a few small features spread across some apps, principally YouTube export from QuickTime X and “please buy me this” pester messages within the iTunes Store. Hopefully the company will get its hands on some social networking knowledge soon enough.